Family Membership


2 Adults and their children under 18 years

Membership of the Railway entitles you to receive the railway’s magazine, “EKR News” as well as other discounts and special invitations.

1 Year Family Membership = £27.00
2 Year Family Membership = £47.00
5 Year Family Membership = £110.00

Gift Aid Declaration

You can request that the East Kent Railway Trust treats your payment as a gift aid donation and all subscriptions and donations that you may make from the date of this declaration until you notify EKR otherwise.



    Gift Aid

    You must pay an amount of income tax and / or capital gains tax at least equal to the tax that the East Kent Railway Trust reclaims on your donation in the tax year (currently 25p for each £1.00 you give).

    East Kent Railway Trust Registered Charity No. 1095790


    1 Year Membership, 2 Year Membership, 5 Year Membership